MsGeek.Org v2.0

The ongoing saga of a woman in the process of reinvention.
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Heard the Word of Blog?

Monday, February 13, 2006

OK, so I didn't wrap up SCALE yesterday. Sue me. I was too busy recovering from it.

I got to the Red Line station at 7:15 Saturday morning to meet Sharon from Linux Chix LA to go to the event. We got there, everything was pretty much ready to go, and all that was left was to wait until the crowds started showing up.

The exhibits area was bigger this time than even at the space we took up at the LA Convention Center. There were plenty of LUGs there, including three I am personally involved with to one extent or another: SFVLUG of course, Linux Chix LA, and Santa Barbara LUG. The presence of the latter, of course, meant we were blessed by the presence of humble but formidable Linux Jedi Chad Page, and the forever amusing Donald Burr.

I didn't go to hear any of the speakers this time. I was just enjoying the camaraderie of hanging out with a group of fellow Linux-heads.

An amusing tale: after the exhibits closed for the night, the Linux Chix contingent plus Chad and Donald went out looking for dinner. We figured that California Pizza Kitchen would be a good choice. However, the CPK in the area had gone bust, but that little fact was not included in the SCALE brochure. We spent about 45 minutes trying to find the damn CPK. We then decided to go looking for somewhere else to eat at, and settled with t3h 3vi7 that is Denny's. Not so great for this one Linux Chick who is a Vegan, but the rest of us found something. I ate breakfast for dinner, something I did all the time when SFVLUG met at the Denny's near the Van Nuys Airport. I left the two grease bomb sausages they insisted on giving me even though I told them "4 strips of bacon cooked well, no sausage." They didn't get my bacon crisp either. May the spirit of Elvis Presley throttle them in their sleep. :P

In other news, the person who provided the pithy quote I'm running on my blog's headline has backed out of the Ohio Senatorial race...and perhaps out of politics for good. Paul Hackett was basically hounded out of the race by the Dem establishment, which wanted Sherrod Brown, a career politician, to go after Repugnican Senator DeWine. Thanks a hell of a lot, fucking assholes. You bet I'm supporting Cindy Sheehan if she runs a primary challenge to DiFi. Hell, I'm not sure I want to support the Dems anymore after this. Paul Hackett would have mopped the floor with DeWine. A real American hero, willing to go to the mat with the Chickenhawks.

The Democratic Party of the United States of America is the party of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They are the Los Angeles Clippers of US Politics, even as the GOP prove themselves to be the Lakers of politics...with hubris galore going before their eventual fall. The Dems have a golden opportunity this year. Too bad they seem intent to fuck it up. Anyone for a revival of the Women's Party of the USA?