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Monday, May 16, 2005

Endorsement for tomorrow's Mayoral election: Antonio Villaraigosa. Totally unequivocal support for the guy. Villaraigosa will be the first Latino Mayor of Los Angeles since 1872.

There are several people talking about the parallels between Villaraigosa's campaign and the Tom Bradley 1973 campaign. I have a great deal of nostalgia about the Bradley years. Unlike President GW Bush, who claimed he wanted to be a "uniter, not a divider" but has been the most divisive President since Nixon; Bradley really was a uniter instead of a divider. He brought many disparate constituencies together: Unions, Industry, Valley conservatives, Westside Jewish liberals, African-Americans in South-Central...usually people who wouldn't have anything in common. If Villaraigosa is half the Mayor Bradley was, he'll be great.

History will be made tomorrow. Bet on it.