About Me
- Name: Michelle Klein-Hass
- Location: Paranoia City, California, United States

Help the victims. Buy the sticker.
(And other stuff)
Hurricane Dubya.
Spread the meme.

Previous Posts
- The training for the Victims' Advocate program at ...
- As of 7:03pm tonight, I will have reached the geek...
- A little late on this, but better late than never....
- Oh yeah: I hate the Los Angeles Metro Transit Auth...
- Judge Alito winks at Conflict of Interest, fails t...
- Lock the US system up, it's Certifiable.1.) Toyota...
- He. Got. Game.It's days like these when I'm damn p...
- Alito is extraordinary. And I don't mean that in a...
- Another silly post, but this time for a non-silly ...
- Saturday and the bloggin' is easy...Thinkpad abuse...
- The Ageless Project
- All About Linux
- Alliance for a Better California
- Alpha Liberal
- ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive
- Animation Meat
- Antiwar.Com
- A Beginner's Mind
- BiblioSquirrel
- Blogger Buzz
- Booman Tribune
- B.S. Alert
- California for Democracy
- Calitics
- Cartoon Brew, with Jerry Beck and Amid Amidi
- Cartoon Geeks Blog
- Dilbert Blog
- Echidne of the Snakes
- Enough Is Enough 2006, our sister blog.
- Google News
- Governor Phil dot Com
- The Great Taco Hunt. No, it's not what you think, you ecchi!
- Gropinator
- Hardware Store Jedi: Just a little, fun, geeky project by Yours Truly.
- Hasta La Vista, Arnie
- John K.'s cartoonist blog
- Kitchen Geek
- Last Left Turn Before Hooterville
- Media Girl
- Megatokyo
- My Left Wing
- Orcinus
- Patrick Macias' blog: live from Nihon
- Political Sapphire
- Rosie's Blog
- Slashdot
- Jim Smith Cartoons
- TeacherKen's Musings
- Theocracy Watch
- This Week In Tech -- Leo Laporte, Patrick Norton, other TSS alums
- Trees And Things: Plastic.Com, the Next Generation.
- ToonMag.Com, home of The Cartoon Geeks
- TruthDig.Com, Bob Scheer's new home
- Wil Wheaton Dot Net (In Exile)
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