MsGeek.Org v2.0

The ongoing saga of a woman in the process of reinvention.
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Saturday, April 30, 2005

Family trumps a visit from My President. I suppose that means I have "family values."

Yeah, Senator John Kerry, the man who should have been president, is coming to town to stump for Antonio Villaraigosa, the man who should be LA Mayor. He's actually going to be coming to Los Angeles Valley College, my once and future Alma Mater. However, my brother-in-law came here to visit, bringing my niece. He lives in the beet-red state of Tennessee, she lives in the Silicon Valley. Neither get down here much. I had a choice: go to the Kerry/Villaraigosa rally or take some more time to hang out with my family. It was a no-brainer.

I hope I get a chance, one of these days, to meet Senator Kerry. I want to thank him for taking on Darth Dubya, Mr. Borrow and Binge. I want to thank him for running a campaign anyone would have been proud of, one which saw little mud flung from our side. Never mind that maybe more mud should have been thrown, never mind that the next Dem candidate for the White House needs to get down and dirty and fight like a Repugnican. Perhaps Kerry's campaign was the last polite Presidential campaign, ever. He was the better man. He ran the loftier campaign. He nearly won. Goddess bless you, Senator Kerry.